B.R.A.I.N. News

Welcome to the B.R.A.I.N. News! Here you can find exciting updates on the projects and the achievements of our lab members.



Congratulations to Karina Thiessen,  a PhD Candidate in our lab, for receiving the CANTRAIN Doctoral Studentship. This competitive award recognizes students involved with clinical trial research and provides funding support, mentorship, and training in clinical trials. The award is supported by CANadian Consortium of Clinical Trial TRAINing (CANTRAIN) in partnership with Michael Smith Health Research Clinical Trials BC.

CGS-D Award:


Congratulations to our PhD student Stefanie Todesco for receiving a three-year Canada Graduate Scholarships Doctoral (CGS-D) award by the Canadian Institutes on Health Research (CIHR). The CGS-D is a highly competitive national award recognizing academic excellence and research potential.


DMCBH Trainee Endowment Awards:


Congratulations to our graduate students Karling Luciani and Tanisse Teale for being among the Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health 2022 Trainee Endowment Awards. Learn More.


Introducing B.R.A.I.N. Lab’s New Logo:


Bessie Guo from our Communications and Design Team has designed a new logo for the lab. The new logo, illustrated by three brains, reflects the diversity of the research we do at the B.R.A.I.N. Lab.


Abstract Acceptance:


Congratulations to our lab members for getting four abstracts accepted for The College on Problems of Drug Dependence 84th Annual Scientific Meeting. The conference will be held on June 11-15, 2022 in Minneapolis, MN.


  1. “Childhood Neglect Predicts Perceived Quality of Care in Patients With Co-occurring Substance Use and Mental Disorders” By: Karling Luciani, Karina Thiessen, Thomas Chao, and Christian G. Schütz.
  2. “Patients with a history of foster care are at higher risk for drug overdose” By: Tanisse Teale, Thomas Chao, and Christian G. Schütz
  3. “Action-tendency retraining in severe psychiatric inpatients with stimulant use disorder: A preliminary analysis on stimulant craving and treatment outcomes.” By: Thomas Chao, Laura Schmid, Anurada Amarasekara, and Christian G. Schütz
  4. “Use of Pain Medication and Cannabis by Age Groups Before and After Legalization of Cannabis: An Investigation of Trends from 2017 to 2019 in a Representative Sample of Canada” By: Karina Thiessen, Karling Luciani, Thomas Chao, and Christian G. Schütz
  5. “Model-based Decision Making is Related to Reflection Impulsivity: Findings from Exploratory Correlational Analyses Between Computational and Traditional Impulsivity Outcomes” By: Laura Schmid, Thomas Chao, Stefanie Todesco, Karina Theissen & Christian G. Schütz

Abstract Acceptance:


Congratulations to our Patient-Oriented Research team members (Tanisse Teale, Suzanne Paddinge, Anisha Lehal, Priya Johal, & Noor Ramadhan) and our IMPART podcast team members (Sydney Penner, Anurada Amarasekera, Luce Calderon, and Alyx Hewlett) for getting two abstracts accepted for the upcoming Putting Patients First 2022 conference. The conference will be held virtually on March 10-11 and the registration is free. Register Here.



Congratulations to Professor Christian Schütz, the B.R.A.I.N. Lab director, on being promoted to Professor at the Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine of the University of British Columbia.

Christian is a practicing psychiatrist and the Research and Education Medical Manager at BCMHA/Red Fish. He holds an MD from the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, Germany, a Ph.D. in Medical History from the Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich, Germany, and an MPH from John Hopkins University. He also completed a Fogerty-Fellowship at NIDA/NIH and DISCA-Fellowship at Yale University. He has published over 140 peer-reviewed articles and a dozen book chapters and has supervised more than 30 students across the globe in areas such as psychiatry, addiction medicine, and clinical neuroscience.

New Research Site:


We are excited to announce that one of the B.R.A.I.N. Lab’s primary research sites has moved to the Red Fish Healing Centre for Mental Health and Addiction, which has replaced the Burnaby Centre for Mental Health and Addiction (BCMHA). Red Fish is a patient-centred in-patient treatment center that provides care for people with the most complex mental health and substance use disorders in British Columbia. Read More.



IMPART  explores the different stories of mental health and addiction told through lived experiences. IMPART showcases the perspectives of those connected to the world of research – as academics, professionals, and patients. IMPART is a place to question who we think of as patients and who we think of as providers. Stay tuned…